Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An Update as of 9/18/12

Today is a quiet, waiting day. Yesterday Bob received the second dose of the immune suppression medication that he takes once a week for four weeks, so we are waiting to give it a chance to work. Bob is back in the medically-induced coma, and seems to be resting comfortably. They plan to bring him out of it again either tomorrow afternoon or more likely on Friday morning to see if the seizures will stay at bay. If not, they will put him back in the coma and keep trying every few days. From some of the literature that  Bryn read, it seems that it is the Cytokine, the once a month immune suppression medication, that really packs the biggest punch. So it could be that we have to wait until the second dose of that in three weeks before things are well controlled. In the meantime, it takes many doctors and nurses working very hard to support him while he is in this coma state. We are so grateful for all of their care. His swelling is a bit worse again, which Bryn said is an indication that his underlying inflammation is not as well controlled as we would like. We keep doing our ICU Pilates every hour or two to keep his joints from tightening up. That is the main work that those of us on his bedside team can do. That and pray and learn a new, deeper kind of patience and faith.  

The biggest news today is that because one of the leads on Bob’s pacemaker has come loose, and he does not seem to be relying on it to keep his heart going, that either later this week or early next week they will take back out his shining new pacemaker. This surgery carries with it some significant risks because of Bob’s immune suppressed state. But the pacemaker is preventing them from being able to do brain MRIs, and what is going on in Bob’s brain is what is of primary interest to the doctors who are orchestrating his care, so the benefits outweigh the risks. We ask for specific prayers that he be protected from infection during and after that procedure.

Bryn felt good enough about where we are in Bob’s healing process and the plans  that are in place for going forward that she headed back home to Las Vegas. My sister Maura, who has been such a blessing, will be here through tomorrow, and on Thursday Bob’s dad and sister will arrive. I continue to feel so well supported by the love and care of so many people. Thank you all for all of that. 


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