Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Update as 9/9/12 PM

Last night Bob was successfully airlifted to the University of Virginia Medical Center.  There was a delay in order to allow a band of thunderstorms to pass, so Evan stayed at the hospital until 3:30am to see him off. I (Megan) am so grateful for the crew of people who flew to get him here safely. He has now settled into what will be his new home for awhile in the Neurology ICU, where the doctors are assessing his condition.

As I was planning to close up the house in Williamsburg for an as yet undetermined amount of time, I was supported by the caring of several people. My friend Becca had the forethought that I would need extra keys to the house. She had four made, and that turned out to be exactly how many I needed. Byron called and asked if I needed anything, just one minute after the thought had crossed my mind that I needed to drain and shut down the hot tub. I mentioned that to him, and within 15 minutes, it was done. The lawn needed mowing and Don sent two guys from his crew over to get it done. As I was out walking with Michelle and my new little grandbaby Everest (the BEST grandma therapy ever!), I thought I ought to give keys to a couple of additional neighbors and let them know that I would be away. Just as we walked past, both of them happened to be out in their yards, and I could give them the keys that Becca had made. This afternoon I came to rest a bit at the home of my friends Pam and Larry here in Charlottesville. When I went out for a walk to clear my head, Larry pointed me in the direction of some nearby woods. The woods is where I feel closest to God and I was nourished by that walk.

With so many small things falling so mysteriously into place, I have to trust that the big things are too, despite the immediate evidence to the contrary.

We are sustained by the prayers of so many people. Thank you for that. 



  1. Hi Megan, I have been following the chain of prayers for Bob's recovery and for your and the family's wellbeing during this time. God works in wonderful ways and faith and good energy are very powerful.
    Sending you all my love all the way from Oz...
    Shirley xxx

  2. Thank you for sharing so openly, Megan. It builds my faith. God loves you and yours. xo

  3. Hi Megan...LOTS of prayers at Wellspring yesterday for both of you guys. Love you, Kathy H.

  4. Megan - Thanks for your message and your update on our beloved Bob. You remind me of one of my favorite verses, Isaiah 26:3, "Thou wilt keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." May God continue to bless you and keep you in perfect peace while we watch Bob's amazing recovery. Jeanie C

  5. Megan,
    My name is Edward Hopkins. I am the pastor of Wellspring UMC in Williamsburg and yesterday I prayed for Bob on my knees in both of our worship services. Many people submitted prayer requests for Bob along with pronunciation tips for speaking his last name correctly.
    I will send out the prayer requests today to our Wellspring prayer warriors and then we will gather to pray again on Wednesday morning.
    I spent a month in UVa Neuro-Intensive Care unit in the 1970's. I can't wait to hear another amazing recovery story!
    Pastor Edward Hopkins

  6. Thank you all for the continued prayers. Megan has stated over and over that she truly feels lifted up in spirit by the prayers of literally hundreds of people. Please continue to pray for strength for Megan and healing for Bob. We have faith that your prayers are working.
