was a happy day! Bob was more alert and more responsive than he has
been since he was sedated for the second time at Riverside three weeks
ago. His eyes were showing recognition of us, and he could communicate
by blinking his eyes. By the end of the day, he was able to nod
slightly, make facial gestures, and mouth simple questions like “What
happened?” and “When?”. He got a case of the giggles this afternoon, and
his silent laughter was infectious even though it caused all kinds of
alarms to go off on the breathing apparatus, and sent him into coughing
is still extremely weak from laying in bed for four weeks without
moving. The muscles they are working most diligently to strengthen are
his diaphragm and those related to his breathing. They put him on a two
hour trial with only minimal breathing support this morning, and he did
so well that they extended it to four hours this afternoon. He has a
good strong cough and is often able to clear his passageways himself.
Tomorrow they are talking about a trial of taking him off the vent for a
period of time with only some oxygen over his trach. Bob can move his
fingers and toes now more consistently, and with some assistance was
able to move one of his arms up to scratch an itchy nose.
really seemed to remember things that we talked to him about, like
running marathons and where he grew up, as well as the family and
friends that we talked about. His short term memory is not as good and
may take some time to recover. So I answered his questions about what
happened, when, and where we were many times throughout the day. I also
told him again and again that thousands of people around the world were
praying for him. He often mouthed “Wow” when I told him that. As I was
getting ready to leave this evening, Bob kept mouthing something that I
didn’t understand. I reassured him the best I could that he shouldn’t
try to figure it all out tonight and that he should try to get some
rest, but he didn’t seem satisfied. It was breaking my heart to leave
him seeming so unsettled, but it was shift change for the nurses and
time for me to go. When I turned back at the door, I suddenly understood
what he wanted. He was saying “I want to pray.” When I finally
understood, his eyes lit up and he nodded. I came back and offered a
heartfelt prayer for Bob’s healing.
of the miracles that Bob was privileged to be a part of during his
years of ministry was when he prayed with a man in the hospital who was
discouraged because he had just received his second kidney transplant
but his body was in the process of rejecting it as it had rejected the
first. It was close to the point where the new kidney would be damaged
beyond saving. This was a good man who, like Bob, spent his life helping
and serving others. In talking with him, Bob realized that this man
thought it would be somehow inappropriate for him to pray for his own
healing. Bob assured him that God would be pleased to receive his
petitions on his own behalf. From that very night, the man’s body
mysteriously stopped the rejection of the kidney, and the transplant was
ultimately successful.
remembered that story this evening, and I reminded Bob that even though
he could not speak out loud because of the trach, God would certainly
hear his prayers for his own healing. The anxiety melted away from his
face, and I was able to leave him in a much calmer state.
So I am pleased to add one more heart to those thousands lifting prayers for Bob’s healing, that of Bob himself.
Hi Megan -- I'm a colleague of Bob's from Columbus, and have been tracking this blog daily. Reading today's entry brought tears to my eyes ... tears of joy for the progress you saw in him today, tears of sorrow for the difficult road you've been traveling, tears of compassion for the man whose body stopped rejecting the kidney, and tears of relief as you described the effect on Bob of prayer. I know you've heard from many many people in the past several weeks. I suspect that I am just one of many more who've been silently witnessing the unfolding of this ordeal and holding you and your family in love and prayer. Thank you immensely for taking the time to post updates so regularly. They keep this web of compassion and connection alive and strong. Here's to high dreams and miracles ... Paula Butterfield
ReplyDeleteThank you Father for Your ultimate hand in providing guidance to the doctors and healing for Bob! As I stood at Bob's bedside before leaving on Sunday I too realized how much Bob is the spiritual leader of our family. How we as a family often (if not always) turn to Bob to offer prayer at family meals and events. It seemed strange to have the table turned but it also seemed stranger to not offer prayer for my brother, my blood. I have said hundreds of times through this 4 week ordeal that what we have is hope and prayer and that I believe in Your healing hands. You have touched our family members before and You continue to amaze me how You are touching Bob. Lord, it is not too much to have hope and expectations that You can and will heal Bob completely. Most importantly Lord, I thank You for the people You have placed in our lives that are facilitating this healing process. For Bryn and her drive, energy and relentless determination, for each of the team members who have demonstrated love and relentless optimism as they have provided supporting care doing everything including all the dirty jobs to bring Bob back to us. For Megan who has stood by Bob's side through the toughest moments and the "little" moments of hope! For Dad who struggles to figure out why this is not happening to him rather than this young vibrant man. Lord I continue to ask that You bolster this family and You heal this man and that this story will be heard around the world and be a testimony of Your love and power! Lord we love You and we thank You. Amen
ReplyDeleteI dreamed it last night! Bob is healed. He is back. Smiling and helping others again. Making his way around visiting clients and friends, showing them what's possible when you set your mind to it! Go Bob! See you soon when you are in Evanston again. May your healing inspire us all!
Andrea Gaines
Evanston, IL
Offering praise and thanksgiving for God's healing that is alive and at work within Bob and all who hold him dear. Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing blessing! Continue to prayer and rejoice in the daily progress!
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful, amazing news! Thank you so much for sharing. I am keeping Bob in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteMaura O'Brien, VT
Words seem continue to seem so inadequate for me to try and express all of what I feel with regards to what Bob is going through and all of the love and prayers he's receiving from so many. This is so amazingly powerful! Reading these updates and posts always brings me to tears and yet leaves me feeling so hopeful. I have complete faith in knowing this is just another one of Bob's adventures and so look forward to when he regains his strength and can write stories to share with us.
ReplyDeleteMuch love.
Bob's fans in California read this blog daily and were so thrilled by this good news. Prayer is not only therapeutic, but an assurance that we serve an amazing God and He has Bob's back at all times! We are also praying for Megan and all those who have sat by his side throughout this journey. God bless you and God bless Bob with a continued recovery. We miss him!!
ReplyDeleteI hope to meet this amazing man in person someday. God has touched him. Thank God for healing.
ReplyDeleteOh, Megan - this is so exciting. I know that Bob will progress quickly and we'll all keep on doing our part - keeping the prayers for the whole family strong - until he is fully healed.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful! I've been following along each day, sending prayers, strength and warm thoughts. My family experienced a similar experience with my brother, who was in a coma for three months...he completely recovered ...I know prayers and God had a great deal to do with his recovery. Please know our prayers form a steady stream straight to Bob and you. Bless Bob and you for being his strength.