Thursday, December 13, 2012

An Update as of 12/13/12

Terrific news! Bob “graduated” from his three therapies today -- occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy! His therapists were impressed not only with the tremendous progress he has made in such a short time, but also with his motivation to push himself to keep improving. It is astonishing to watch as his brain heals and he is gradually gaining access to more and more memories.

Another exciting step along this healing journey is the assessment of his neurologist as well as the speech therapist that Bob can begin to be left on his own for short periods, meaning that he can exercise in the workout room without having to have someone with him, and that I can leave home for periods of time and he doesn’t have to come along.

One last bit of good news is that the workers in their white coveralls and masks have finished the mold remediation work in the crawl spaces under our house, next to Bob’s office, and we are both breathing a lot easier – both literally and figuratively.

We have much to celebrate as we enter this holiday season.

PS – This concluding  postscript from Bob echoes Megan’s joy and astonishment over the ways in which my brain is healing. I do a lot of sleeping these days, especially when I  challenge my brain and body hard, which is an integral part of the recovery process. If I had done more sleeping in the first place, I may have never had seizures at all (although given the mold problem, other factors may have been at play as well). One way or another, the ebb and flow of work and rest is the rhythm of life itself. Read all about it in Provisions #612 and #614, titled Get Your Rest and Vital Rhythms. Thanks for all your prayers and support.


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