As of yesterday, the surgery went well. Bob's surgeons placed the electrodes deep in the hippocampus, as well as on the right temporal lobe and the left temporal lobe. It took seven hours. The doctor said he only expected Bob to be in the ICU overnight, which turned out to be the case.
Yesterday evening, Bob was foggy, but was able to wake periodically to say a few words. He couldn't believe that the surgery was already finished and that it was 7 PM. All in all, the staff were pleased with how he was doing.
This morning, Bob was settled into a new, private room in the epilepsy monitoring unit. Yeah! They gave him some stronger pain meds that kept him asleep for much of the day. I was able to enjoy a book that Maura recommended, "This House of Sky." It was nice to spend time thinking about being in Montana while Bob rested.
Bob has 124 electrodes in his brain that are attached to monitoring equipment. While the staff were working on the electrodes, I thought Bob was sleeping through the process, but I was wrong! When they announced that the code for one of the wires was RFM, Bob chimed in that it stood for Really Funny Man. He loves to make people laugh!
This afternoon, Bob experienced his first big seizure during this stay. It took him about an hour to recover from it and he was fairly confused and dazed. During rounds tonight, I was told that the doctors retrieved strong data from this seizure. This period of monitoring will help us collect specific data as to where in his brain the seizures are starting so that we can chart a course of action.
We continue to be thankful for all of your kind words and prayers. Please continue to pray over the doctors and staff at UVA and for Bob to be able to rest comfortably.
Wow! That's incredible that medicine has come far enough to enable this study. I will continue to pray they find the best course of action for Bob. What a journey for the two of you. So glad he's maintaining his humor!