Great news! Bob has been experiencing multiple seizures a day since I last posted. His team of doctors have collected enough data to examine. The plan, as of this evening, is for Bob to have surgery tomorrow afternoon to remove the wires from his brain and for us to return home sometime on Saturday.
From our most recent conversations with Bob's team, it has been recommended that he have a resection of part of his hippocampus to remove the area where most of his seizures are happening. This area is badly damaged as is, so he won't be loosing much more functioning in that area than he already has. We're also still considering having the neuropace implemented, but we have time to discuss this as a family, and with Bob, before that decision is made. We have been informed that Bob will never again be completely seizure-free. The goal, at this point, is to lessen the amount of seizure activity.
We ask that you pray prayers of gratitude to our friends Bob and Alice who so graciously gave of their time this week. I have been held up by their kindness and generosity and am incredibly grateful for the breaks they provided me with throughout the day. Please also pray that Bob rests well this evening and sleeps soundly as this has been when he has been most anxious and confused. I am staying with him this evening to hopefully help ease his anxiety. In the morning, our friends Jim and Kathy will be here to spend the day with us, which is another blessing. As always, please send prayers of appreciation and love to the dedicated staff at UVA who have worked tirelessly this week to provide Bob with wonderful care.