Tuesday, August 4, 2015

An Update as of 8/4/15

Today was a good day.  Bob was transferred to the Adult Epilepsy Monitoring
Unit, where he has a private room that is almost like a hotel room.  He is
so much more like himself than I could have imagined a week ago!  They have
added in a new rescue medication, which he has needed due to still some
increased seizure activity, and ended up leaving his other two anti-seizure
meds at the same dose he has been on.  We are hopeful that that the seizures
he is having now will settled down over the next few days and we can start
making plans to head back home by the weekend or early next week.

Although his memory is still quite impaired, Bob is seeming so much more
like himself that I thought you would enjoy hearing how he is doing right
from him.  So the rest of this post is from him.

With so much gratitude for your love and prayers,  Megan

Blessings upon blessings. It's hard to believe how fast things can turn
around. From a relative sense of normalcy and health to a discouraging sense
of abnormalcy and disease (interesting word: "dis-ease" or literally a "lack
of ease"). Wow, have I had that over the past two months. And now with an
emerging sense of normalcy once again.

Not sure how this all came about, but I am back to hospital rooms and
treatment plans. Let's start with my first, never-ceasing request: to hold
up my family into the light. They are with me through it all, with no loss
of memory. My brain forgets it all. They remember it all. What a hard thing
to experience and remember. Epilepsy.

It is my hope that through this time at the Cleveland Clinic, we will find
new and better treatment options. There are surgical interventions that can
learn to recognize and head off seizures at the pass. Wow. I hope we will
find them and they will find us.

I also hope that a sense of normalcy, however slight, will come upon my
family again, sooner rather than later, and will stay with us longer rather
than shorter. Your thoughts, hopes, and prayers are a big part of the
equation. Please may your energy help to make it so. Love you. Bob

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