Monday, December 10, 2012

An Update as of 1210/12

Bob has had a really great week. His memory is improving daily and he is having more “picture” memories where he can recall actual places or events rather than just facts about those places (like the addresses of the places he has lived). He is also making gains in his perceptions of space and time. Other than two very small episodes yesterday, Bob has been seizure free for nine days now! He is very much enjoying getting back to some of the work that he enjoys, like writing Provisions. And he is back to trying to get our computers up and running properly, although he is learning that he needs to take frequent breaks.

Friday was Bob’s birthday and he felt very touched by the many expressions of love that came his way. In the evening, we ventured out to the Kiwanis Holiday party. This was a risk because we have been told to avoid the stimulation of crowds, but Bob had a wonderful time getting reconnected with his many friends in the club. They invited him to say the Invocation at the beginning of the program and he led us all in a very heartfelt prayer of gratitude. They also sang him a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday!

This afternoon, we had a very encouraging visit with Bob’s neurologist. Dr. Marsteller was very pleased with the progress Bob has made in the past month and at Bob’s motivation to push himself. He indicated that with brain injuries, making a lot of progress in the early months is an important indicator for the eventual outcome. He also noted that the brain is the slowest part of the body to heal and that continued progress can be seen for up to two years from the precipitating injury. Bob was delighted because the doctor didn’t think that he needed to be supervised quite so closely, which meant that when we got home Bob took down the sign on the door to the workout room reminding him that he should have some company when he was out there. He can now resume his early morning workouts when he is up before I am.

We also are in the midst of a huge project of mold remediation in the crawl space under our house. Our house is built into a hill and it seems that moisture has been seeping through the exposed dirt floors of the two crawl spaces, as well as condensing on the air conditioning ducts in summer, creating the conditions for mold to grow. We may never know the extent to which all of this mold was a precipitating factor in Bob’s illness, but it certainly makes sense to take care of it once we became aware of it (thanks to the prodding of Bob’s sister Laurel). Today we had four big trucks in our driveway and men wearing coveralls and face masks that made them look like astronauts who were working on cleaning out and sealing the ductwork throughout our house. Various crews will be here all week to get done what needs to be done.

So between getting Bob to five different kinds of therapies as well as doctor’s appointments, and beginning to get back to work at least a little, and keeping in touch with so many of the people we love, life is busy and rich and full. It is clear that we still have a long road ahead of us, but day by day life is inching back toward normal life. And that is a wonderful thing!


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